Friday, May 1, 2009

Guerilla Gardeners

Guerilla Gardeners   This an interesting story that has been gaining more and more attention as of recently.
Imagine guerillas running around the city, no not real guerillas but residents who decide to take the idea of gardening to another level. 
Residents all over the globe are pitching in to make a difference in their communities.
The whole idea behind this guerilla gardening is to go out to areas of the city late at night and just plant shrubs, flowers, or trees in public spaces that are in need of some upkeep. 
All of the funds are either made by donation or out of their own pockets.
I love this concept mainly because it is your own effort that you are putting forward and you really don't have to wait for approval from the city. 
Check out the link above for a look in to a UK based Guerilla Gardeners
There are hundreds of public spaces with in Philadelphia that could really use some Guerilla Gardeners to come in and help.
Any one want to get it started ?

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